Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our Family...

Our family is just great and I don't know were to start. We have 2 married members of the family ( BJ and Garrett, and Christine and Rock) Bj has 3 kids. Two girls and one boy, Tori, Alex, and Benton. Bj is a hard working and loving mother. Garrett is a farmer and is hard working at it too! Bj's nick name is Pal but she is trying to change that!
Christine has 2 kids and one on the way. Two girls and one boy on the way. Christine is Fun and amazing at making birthday cakes for her children's birthdays. Rock is in dental school and almost done! Her nick name pumpkin!
Robert has been home from his mission for 1 year from this month. He is going to college in September! His nick name is peanut!
Rachel is temporarly living in Arizona and is working at a law firm. She will be going to college in September also! Her nick name is peaches!
Janelle just made her tennis team and is so dedicated to tennis. She goes to tennis everyday from 3-5 wow! what a work out! Her nick name is Party Animal!
Louisa loves to play tennis, cheer, and having fun! She just entered Jr. High and thinks its much much better then elementary! Her nick name is princess or Itsy!
Laurel is very hard working and a lovely mother to her children. All of the girls friends call her mom cause she is like a second mother to them! She collects perfume, rose bushes, shoes, purses, and jewelry. She loves to swim, golf, play tennis, ski, shop, go to lunch, be with dave and the family!
And finally Dave is a kind yet teasing step father and husband. He has an MBA he's a financial advisor and works for a soft ware company. He is willing to do pretty much any activity that is wanted.

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After years of shopping for a large family on a strict budget, I have come to find the best way to find the cutest clothes for the best bargains!